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Where To Save


Saving Sites are what we call the websites that help you save money! We categorized them by the type of savings (what we call "Saving Methods") they provide!

See the Saving Sites for each of the Saving Methods by selecting from the list below:

Each Saving Site has it's own page

We've put together a page for each saving site describing how it helps you save money. The general format of the page is to first give you a basic understanding of that specific saving site in the introductory and “What It Does” sections.

This is immediately followed by a list of the ways that it helps you save money in the “How It Saves You Money” section.

We then move into a "Competitors and Comparison" section where it's compared with its major competitors in that saving method category. The "Pros" and "Cons" sections let you know how we think it does better and maybe not better than its competitors.

The "Accessibility" section simply lets you know if the site has an app and/or browser extension available to give you more tools to help you save.

The "Conclusion" section summarizes our overall assessment of the website and what we think of its usefulness in saving you money.

The savings sites that don’t fit well into the above structure may contain additional sections to accommodate information unique to that specific saving site. Likewise, some of the above sections may simply be unnecessary for some other saving sites and therefore not included. The pages for some saving sites may abandon this structure entirely in order to bring you information that just doesn’t fit well into the structure described above.

And because Saving Sites can help you save in multiple ways, they can be listed under multiple saving methods!

Click on the "Where to Save" main menu item at the top of the page and select the saving method for which you want to see a list of saving sites and start saving! Or select from the list below:

Terms and Definitions

The following terms are used throughout our website:

  • Merchants, Retailers: The companies and their websites that are selling the products or services, or providing information that will help you save. Examples: Amazon.com, Walmart.com.
  • Merchandise: The physical, tangible items, such as clothing, electronics, home furnishings, etc., that are available online or in retail stores.
  • Services: The intangible items, such as dining, entertainment, travel, lodging, etc.
  • Products, Offerings: Comprehensive terms meant to include anything that a merchant is selling or providing to the consumer, including merchandise, services, and/or information.
  • Buyers, Consumers, Customers: You! And anyone else who buys something on the internet.
  • Aggregator: A website that takes products, services, or other types of information being offered by a number of different merchants, and places them on their own website. This makes it easier for consumers to make quick comparisons with all of the information in one place.

Some saving methods will have additional definitions specific to that saving method. We have included all of these terms in a Saving Glossary found here.